Welcome to the Mill Circle
Let’s Chat

The Mill Philosophy Circle Blog Resource
An external resource which supplements this website is a blog which provides articles for thought and discussion on J.S. Mill. It's available at:
Just click this link above or the link (B icon) at the bottom of this website, in the social media and website links section!

Welcome Jana Kaucky to the Mill Circle!
Yesterday, my mother, Jana Kaucky joined the admin team for the Mill Circle group so let's give her a big welcome! 🥳🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉👏👏👏👏🤗 She has prior school office admin experience. Jana Kaucky has an MA in Educational Management so has already been the Educational Consultant for this Circle from the beginning and will continue in that role. We will be sharing the posting. Her first of many contributions to the group is coming soon so do look out for it. ✍️

Who Does What
Unlike J. S. Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill, we (Liba and Jana) will make it very clear which one of us is writing any particular post or section of a post. It will be obvious by looking at the account name and profile picture which one of us is writing the content. My content and posts are my copyright, © Liba Kaucky, all rights reserved and all of Jana's content and posts are © Jana Kaucky, all rights reserved. Sometimes our logo will also be included as a picture. We will also credit the person who has a particular idea should we wish to use it in our own individual post. Joint posts and content will make it clear who has contributed what and in which section.
All IT, however, is managed by myself, Liba Kaucky.

New Group for Harriet Taylor Mill within this Mill Circle
Happy posthumous birthday to Harriet Taylor Mill! 🎊🎂🎁🎊
In honour of her, I have set up a new public group you can join to learn all about Harriet, her work and her life before and after meeting and marrying the love of her life, J.S. Mill, her second husband. Her writings span philosophy and feminism from an humanistic approach and poetry. Check out my first Harriet Taylor Mill group post, where I've begun a poetry topic section and shared a poem she published in 1832 titled 'Nature'.

New James Mill group and blog piece
Following James Mill's posthumous birthday, 6th April 1773, I've created a new sub-group (dedicated to the thought and writings of the father of J.S. Mill, James Mill) within in Mill Circle. Head over to the Groups section of this Circle website via the Spaces by Wix app to check it out and join (free membership to join/subscribe to the Mill circle and join all sub-groups). I have also written a piece on James Mill on my Mill Circle blog, available at: https://millphilosophycircle.blogspot.com/2023/04/james-mill-and-mill-circle-update.html or via the social media link icons for this blog provided at the top and bottom of this website.
(Sole) Founder: Liba Kaucky

J.S. Mill's Posthumous Birthday today (20th May)
Head over to the Forum and J.S. Mill subgroup on the Spaces Wix app to see photos of his plaque and house in Kensington! In the group, I've also written an extra few words alongside his botanical themed posthumous birthday card gif. 🌺🌸💮🏵️🌼

A Place for All
Welcome to the J.S. Mill Philosophy Circle! It's the official website for this group that you can join. Here you can learn about, chat and share your thoughts about J.S. Mill and his works, which were extensive. We have a (monitored) forum on this site offering plenty of opportunities for users to engage with each other in an interesting and safe online environment. Check out the blog and resources list for the latest news about our learning opportunities, resources, group, events, activities and more!
Forum Rules
For the Benefit of All
No Offensive Imagery
Zero Tolerance
This is intended to be a safe and positive online space for all. Hence posting visual content that incites hatred, promotes discrimination, or is prejudiced (anti-LGBTQIAPD+, racist, sexist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel etc...) is not permitted and content will be removed. This includes the group abiding by the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.
Quality Posts Only
Keep It Meaningful
Please read through all posts in each discussion before posting something on a message board. We strictly adhere to high quality standards at our forum, and we ask that users make sure each post is relevant and original.
No Personal Information
Don’t Overshare
For your own safety and for the safety of others, we ask that you avoid sharing personal information, as well as asking other users for their personal information, on this forum.
If you have any questions about the Mill Philosophy Circle group and forum, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be more than happy to address your questions, comments, or concerns.
If you would like to present a paper or give a short presentation for the Mill Philosophy Circle, then feel free to contact me with your idea; brief bullet points summarizing your talk and how long it will be; and tell me something about yourself. A full, written abstract of 200+ words is optional. It must be your own, original work. The length of your talk can be between 5 minutes to 50 minutes. All are welcome to apply. For example, you can be a lecturer (past or current), independent researcher, student (A Level and above), or just someone with a deep interest in J.S. Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill. To make it easily accessible to a wider audience, the presentation needs to be in fluent English. Although it's a philosophical circle, you can be from other disciplines, eg. Feminism, Politics, Sociology.